Pew Logic is mainly comprised of airsoft enthusiasts in Taiwan who love this sport and want to help the different communities grow. Locally, We focus on planning, organizing, and hosting events that enhance the overall quality of play-experience for players. Regionally, we are one of the best source of competitive airsoft gear.

Locally, Pew Logic plans to expand to include both more extensive casual airsoft events in Taiwan, in addition to an increasing number of ranked competitive events with persisting scoring and ranked systems, to create a cohesive national league.

Internationally, Pew Logic will be taking Taiwanese airsoft players abroad while inviting international teams to come and compete in Taiwan. With the goal of ultimately making Taiwan the hub of competitive airsoft in the Asia region while increasing Taiwanese players and teams' visibility on the world stage. For 2023 we have planned a Hong Kong vs Taiwan event and subsequently we plan to take available teams and players to visit the Japanese league in early 2024, the US by 2025, and to eventually have consistent international events.

With a global standard, for the first time, airsoft communities and players can connect and "speak the same language". With this new wave of possibilities, we would like to ride the momentum and start establishing the foundation for airsoft tourism while cementing Taiwan's place in this burgeoning industry.

Pew Logic是一群生存競賽愛好者,努力推廣並希望可創建一個更有凝聚力的全國聯賽系統。組織的核心為活動策畫與主辦,並同時提供在台玩家和選手們國際品牌相關裝備商品.

在台灣Pew Logic的活動計畫,包含擴展更廣泛的休閒生存運動賽事,以及更多具有評分和名次系統的排名競技賽事,用以創建一個更有凝聚力的全國聯賽。在國際上Pew Logic期許將把台灣玩家選手帶至國外參賽,同時亦邀請國際團隊來台灣參與賽事。

最終,Pew Logic活動目標是使台灣成為亞洲地區的生存運動競技中心,同時提高台灣玩家選手和槍隊在世界舞台上的知名度。我們將在2023年7月舉辦一場香港對台灣的比賽,隨後2024年初,帶領台灣槍隊和玩家選手參加日本聯賽,2025年前進美國,一同站上國際賽事。
